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Jump to: Settings Screen; Control Config. Screen; In-game Messages; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Upgrades Screen; Steam Store

Main Menu
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Button to start a game at the same 'area' the player last played. The actual area number will appear in the place marked {0}. Return to area {0}Volver al area {0}
Button to start a new game at area 0. New GameNuevo Juego
Button to go to the "Settings" screen to change game settings such as sound/music volume, fullscreen/windowed mode, difficulty level, and game controls. Settings Ajustes
Button to quit the game and return to the desktop. Quit GameSalir del juego


Jump to: Main Menu; Control Config. Screen; In-game Messages; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Upgrades Screen; Steam Store

Settings Screen
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Checkbox used to switch between fullscreen and windowed display (checked for fullscreen, unchecked for windowed). FullscreenPantalla completa
Checkbox for enabling or disabling automatic firing. Auto-fireDisparar automáticamente
Slider for setting the master volume. VolumeVolumen de sonido
Slider for setting the music volume. MusicVolumen de la música
Slider for selecting the difficulty level. DifficultyDificultad
The name of the easiest of the five difficulty levels. CasualCasual
The name of the second easiest difficulty level. EasyFácil
The name of the middle difficulty level. NormalRegular
The name of the second hardest difficulty level. HardDuro
The name of the hardest of the five difficulty levels. BrutalCruel
The label next to the drop-down for selecting the language of the game's text. LanguageLenguaje
Button for accessing the control configuration screen. Configure ControlsConfigurar controles
Button for returning to the main menu. Back to Main MenuVolver al menú principal
Button for returning to the pause menu. Alternative to the main menu button when settings are accessed during pause. Back to Pause MenuVolver al menú de pausa


Jump to: Main Menu; Settings Screen; In-game Messages; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Upgrades Screen; Steam Store

Control Config. Screen
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Label next to the drop-down for selecting a built-in control configuration. Preset:Programar:
Name of the default/general purpose control preset. DefaultPropósito general
Name of the preset for an XBox-360-compatible controller. XBox 360XBox 360
Name of the preset for a PlayStation-4-compatible controller. PlayStation 4PlayStation 4
Label next to the drop-down for selecting the controller or joystick to be used. Controller:Regulador:
Drop-down text for configuring the controls for moving the tank to the left and right. Move left/rightMover a la izquierda / derecha
Drop-down text for configuring the controls for moving the tank upwards and downwards. Move down/upMover hacia abajo / arriba
Drop-down text for configuring the controls for aiming the gun to the left and right. Aim left/rightApuntar a la izquierda / derecha
Drop-down text for configuring the controls for aiming the gun up and down. Aim down/upApuntar hacia abajo / arriba
Drop-down text for configuring the control for firing the gun. FireDisparar
Drop-down text for configuring the controls for switching between the available guns. Switch gunsCambiar armas
Drop-down text for configuring the control for pausing the game. PauseHacer una pausa
Checkbox for setting a control to ignore negative values (this is primarily used to allow an 'axis' control to be used as a button). ignore negativeignorar negativo
Label for the list of keys that are equivalent to moving the axis to its negative extreme (left for left/right controls, down for down/up conrols). Negative keys:Interruptores negativas:
Label for the list of keys that are equivalent to moving the axis to its positive extreme (right for left/right controls, up for down/up conrols). Positive keys:Interruptores positivas:
Label next to the drop-downs for selecting controller axes. Axes:Ejes:
Buttons for adding a positive or negative key. AddAñadir
Buttons for removing/deleting a positive or negative key. RemoveRetirar
Message to release all keys and buttons before pressing the one to be added or removed. Please release all pressed keys and buttons (or press Esc to cancel).Suelte todas las teclas y botones pulsados ​​(o presione Escape para cancelar).
Message to press the key or button to be added or removed. Please press the desired key or button (or Esc to cancel).Presione la tecla o el botón deseado (o Escape para cancelar).
Text used to indicate an empty list of keys or an unused axis. NoneNada
Checkbox for inverting an axis (so that up becomes down, or left becomes right). inverttrastrocar
Button for returning to the Settings screen. Back to SettingsVolver a la Ajustes


Jump to: Main Menu; Settings Screen; Control Config. Screen; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Upgrades Screen; Steam Store

In-game Messages
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Splash message at the beginning of each area. The actual splash message consists of this text followed by the area number. Also used for the HUD message showing the current area. AreaÁrea
Special splash message for area 7. (en-AU translation says "Bitter & Twisted", after the album by the Australian band "Area-7") Area 7Área 7
Special splash message for area 42. DON'T PANICNo pánico
Label for the special effect on the splash message for area 69. CENSOREDCENSURADO
Special splash message for area 88. (English translations say "WO88LE WO88LE", a bingo calling reference) WO88LE WO88LEÁrea 88
Special splash message for area 99. This is the 'final' level. AREA 99!!Fin de la demostración
Label for the HUD message displaying the player's bank balance. BankBanca
Blurb describing what happens when a player hits the 'Restart' button after their tank is destroyed. If you restart, you will lose all progress in this area, but will not pay for a new Icetank. Si reinicia, perderá todo el progreso en esta área, pero no pagará por un tanque nuevo.
Blurb describing what happens when a player hits the 'Re-engage' button after their tank is destroyed. If you re-engage, you will pay for a new Icetank, but will not lose any progress in this area. Si relanzas, pagarás por un nuevo tanque, pero no perderás ningún progreso en esta área.
Button for respawning the player's tank after it is destroyed. Re-engageRelanzar
Label for the cost of a new tank. Re-engage cost:Costo de relanzamiento:
Message when the player cannot afford the cost of a new tank. Re-engage not available.Relanzamiento no disponible.
Button for restarting the area after the player's tank is destroyed. A button with the same text and similar function appears on the Pause menu. Restart Reiniciar
Button for quitting the current game and returning to the Main Menu. This button appears when the player's tank is destroyed, and also on the Pause menu. Exit to Main Menu Salir al\nmenú principal


Pause Menu
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Header and footer text displayed with the pause menu. pauseden pausa
Button to resume playing after the game was paused by the player. ResumeContinuar
The Pause menu has three more buttons which are all duplicates of buttons that appear elsewhere: Restart, Settings, and Exit to Main Menu


Jump to: Main Menu; Settings Screen; Control Config. Screen; In-game Messages; Upgrades Screen; Steam Store

"Area Cleared" Screen
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Normal heading. The actual area number takes the place of the tag {0}. Area {0} Cleared!¡Área {0} Despejado!
Special heading for a 'flawless' clear (when the player takes no damage - awards triple time bonus). FLAWLESS VICTORY!!¡¡VICTORIA IMPECABLE!!
Label for earnings from the area that has just been cleared. Gross earningsIngresos completos
Label for tank hull repair costs. Hull repairReparacion de casco
Label for armor maintenance costs. Armor maintenanceMantenimiento de armadura
Label for shield maintenance costs. Shield maintenanceMantenimiento del escudo
Label for the bonus awarded or penalty imposed for the time taken to clear the area. Time bonus/penaltyPrima / multa por el tiempo
Label for the net earnings that are paid into the player's bank. Net earningsGanancias netas
Button for retrying/restarting the area, presumably to attempt to get a better score. Retry AreaÁrea de reintento
Button for moving on to the upgrades screen. ContinueContinuar


Jump to: Main Menu; Settings Screen; Control Config. Screen; In-game Messages; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Steam Store

Upgrades Screen
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Button for accessing hull, armor, and shield upgrades. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nDefensesMejorar las\nDefensas
Button for accessing gun upgrades. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nWeaponArma de\nActualización
Button for accessing friction, engine, and hull mass upgrades. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nCoreActualizar\nCore
Button for undoing purchased upgrades and refunding the cost back to the player's bank. UndoAnular
Button for moving on to the next area. Next AreaSiguiente área
Label for the current strength of the tank's hull. Current hullCasco actual
General label for the amount each upgrade adds to (or deducts from) the base amount. UpgradeMejoramiento
General label for upgrades that have reached their limit. Fully upgradedTotalmente actualizado
Label for what the tank's hull strength would be after upgrading. New hullNuevo casco
General label for the price of each upgrade. Cost:Precio:
General button for purchasing each upgrade. BuyComprar
Blurb describing armor. Armor absorbs damage until depleted. Slowly repaired over time. Absorption reduced by shields. La armadura absorbe el daño hasta agotarlo. Reparado lentamente con el tiempo. Absorción reducida por escudos.
Blurb describing shield. Shield absorbs damage until depleted. Quickly regenerates when not moving. Absorption reduced by armor. El escudo absorbe el daño hasta agotarlo. Regenera rápidamente cuando no se mueve. Absorción reducida por armadura.
Button for armor upgrades. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nArmor Mejorar\nArmadura
Button for shield upgrades. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nShield Actualizar\nEscudo
Button for upgrades to the single gun. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nSingle Gun Actualizar\nSolo Cañon
Blurb for the rotating, three-barreled gun. Rotating triple-barrel gun. Triple the rate of fire, but half the damage per shot vs single gun. Pistola de tres cañones de hilado. Triplica la velocidad de disparo, pero la mitad del daño por disparo de un solo cañon.
Blurb for the three-way gun. A central gun and one on each side making a 30-degree angle. Half the damage per hit of the single gun. Una pistola central y una a cada lado formando un ángulo de 30 grados. La mitad del daño por golpe de un solo cañon.
Button for upgrades to the rotating, three-barreled gun. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nSpinigun Actualizar\nPistola de Hilado
Button for upgrades to the three-way gun. \n indicates a line break. Upgrade\nTriple Gun Actualizar\nPistola Triple
Label for the current friction between the tank and the air & ice. Current friction Fricción actual
Label for friction after the next upgrade (if purchased). New friction Nueva fricción
Label for the current engine power. Current engine Motor actual
Label for the engine power after the next upgrade. New engine Motor nuevo
Label for the current mass of the hull. Current mass Masa actual
Label for the hull mass after the next upgrade. New hull mass Nueva masa del casco
Label for current armor strength. Current armor Armadura actual
Label for armor strength after the next upgrade. New armor Nueva armadura
Label for current armor repair rate. Repair rate Tasa de reparación
General label for upgrades to the "rate" of something. New rate Nueva tasa
Label for current armor weight. Armor weight Peso de la armadura
Label for armor weight after the next upgrade. New weight Nuevo peso
Label for current shield strength. Current shield Escudo actual
Label for shield strength after the next upgrade. New shield Nuevo escudo
Label for current shield regeneration rate. Regeneration rate Tasa de regeneración
Label for current penalty to armor and shields for having both armor and shields. Armor saps Armadura se debilita
Label for armor/shield penalty after the next upgrade. New penalty Nueva pena
Label for current rate of fire for each gun. Rate of fire Cadencia de fuego
Label for rate of fire after the next upgrade. New rate of fire Nueva tasa de fuego
Label for current damage for each gun. Damage Daño
Label for damage after the next upgrade. New damage Nuevo daño
Label for current bullet lifetime (range) for each gun. Bullet range Rango de bala
Label for bullet lifetime after the next upgrade. New range Nuevo rango
Blurb for secret weapon. Alien technology could be adapted into a powerful new weapon... La tecnología alienígena podría adaptarse a una nueva arma poderosa ...
Label for current beam gun damage. Beam damage Daño del haz
Label for current turret turning speed (revolutions per second). Turret turn rate Tasa de seguimiento


Jump to: Main Menu; Settings Screen; Control Config. Screen; In-game Messages; Pause Menu; "Area Cleared" Screen; Upgrades Screen

Steam Store
Description English Current/Google translation Your translation
Short description of the game. Kobooomballs is an arcade-style, top-down, twin-stick shooter with light RPG elements. You use your 'icetank' to clear an area by destroying enemy mazes, then use salvage to upgrade your icetank before moving on to the next area.Kobooomballs es un juego de disparos de estilo arcade de arriba hacia abajo con elementos de RPG ligeros. Usas tu tanque para limpiar un área destruyendo los laberintos enemigos, luego usas los restos para mejorar tu tanque antes de pasar a la siguiente área.
"About this game" paragraph 1. Strange maze-like structures have appeared on the surface of Europa and begun attacking our remote-controlled scouting vehicles. You are in control of a retro-fitted scouting vehicle which has been modified in order to combat this unexpected threat, but your only effective source of light this far from the sun is the camera drone that hovers far above your tank, automatically following it around. Extrañas estructuras laberínticas aparecieron en la superficie de la luna Europa y comenzaron a atacar a nuestros vehículos de exploración a control remoto. Usted tiene el control de un vehículo de exploración adaptado que ha sido modificado para combatir esta amenaza inesperada, pero su única fuente de luz efectiva lejos del sol es el dron de cámara que flota muy por encima de su tanque, siguiéndolo automáticamente.
"About this game" paragraph 2. The mazes are mostly composed of pipelines that are invulnerable to your makeshift weapon. The open ends of these pipelines are the mazes' weak points, and the 'core' at the heart of each maze is also vulnerable, if you can reach it. La mayoría de los laberintos están compuestos por tuberías que son invulnerables a su arma improvisada. Los extremos abiertos de estas tuberías son los puntos débiles de los laberintos, y el "núcleo" en el corazón de cada laberinto también es vulnerable, si puede alcanzarlo.
"About this game" paragraph 3. Clearing an area will buy you some time to upgrade your icetank using salvage from the destroyed mazes before moving on to the next area. Expect to meet ever increasing resistance as your unknown enemy will also have time to fortify their positions. Who knows what tricks they may have up their pipes? Limpiar un área le dará tiempo para mejorar su tanque utilizando el salvamento de los laberintos destruidos antes de pasar a la siguiente área. Espera encontrarte con una resistencia cada vez mayor, ya que tu enemigo desconocido también tendrá tiempo para fortalecer sus posiciones. ¿Quién sabe qué trucos pueden tener sus pipas?


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